Tuesday, July 21, 2015

BATANGAS: Villa Patria Beach House

not the prettiest beach but still worth our time.

thorned tree
KMI Philippines!

#kminight girls!

sparkling in the morning!


beautiful trees are always worth the stop!

ZAMBALES: Camara Island

We were like lost children drugged by the lure of the sea
The harsh sun didn't hurt us
It only burned our skin back to it's true lovely brown
Like babies we were lulled in the steady rock of the ocean
Floating and laughing as if tomorrow was nothing...
We left all our cares and stared at the blue skies above us.

Camara Island: It's a short boat ride from Pundaquit, San Antonio, Zambales

Camara Island

To Camara Island!!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

LA UNION: Flotsam and Jetsam

This was a well deserved trip for the #kminight team!  Yes, we had a few mishaps going to Flotsam & Jetsam but it was all part of the fun and happy adventure ^_^

Free breakfast buffet at Flotsam and Jetsam

Forgot something? You can find it here!

pizza night while enjoying the sea breeze

long hair. don't care.

Yummy lunch before heading back to Manila!
i love these guys! ^_^ cheers to more adventures!



  1. Wear comfy shoes.  Rubber shoes if you can because there will be a lot of walking in this bustling city.  I wore flats!  My feet were killing me after the first day.
  2. Ride the train.  It's fast, cost efficient and safe.
  3. Ask for directions.  If you're shy like us, just act lost (hahaha!).  The people were friendly enough to help us out.
  4. Research before you walk the streets and hunt for a good restaurant.  Everything's online now so best to google it before you end up eating at McDonald's.  McD's a safe bet but travelling to a new country means a chance to taste their best dishes.
  5. Get up early and be at Disneyland before the gates open. We rode all the rides we could and visited almost every spot before the big crowds came in.

We bought Octopus Cards at the airport.  You can use it for all public utilities: bus, trains, airport shops and even at 7 elevens. 

Ngong Ping, Lantau Island

We went down the MTR Tung Chung Station and then rode the Ngong Ping Cable Car.
It was a terrifying (i'm afraid of heights) 25 minute ride going up the monastery.

Hello! Says the happy tired feet!


Mickey train!

Disney tickets and map

Pooh love!

It's a Small World!
Cute group picture with strangers at the back!

Lion King! I'm in love!

Toy Story Town! 

Waiting for the Mickey Train!


You gotta try this! OMG! You gotta try this pusit is soOo heavenly!

Hello happy feet!

BATANES ADVENTURE! (South Region Tour)

I’m on my second day of bliss in Batanes!  I was up and about as early as 6:00AM to capture the South Region of Batan Island.  Here’s ...