Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BATANES ADVENTURE! (North Region Tour)

I was giggly when the plane cruised over Batanes!  I could see the rolling hills and cows quietly grazing below me and I thought to myself “WOW! I AM FINALLY HERE!”  You see, I fell in love with Batanes when I was still 7 years old.  My mom (or maybe my dad) brought home a Philippine Airlines magazine and it featured the sparkly blue waters of Batanes!  I couldn’t stop looking at the pictures of the beaches, scenery and the Ivatan kids happily staring back at me.  At a young age, I promised to myself that I’ll go to Batanes when I grow up and just like the kids in the magazine, I will enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the islands!

Smiling ear to ear I leaned forward to see more of the island’s beauty and as the plane smoothly landed I had to stop myself from clapping. Naku!  Baka akalain ng mga tao may baliw sa eroplano!  Hahah!  If you plan to go here book with PAL Express.  Their landing was superbly good and you’ll feel safe all throughout the ride.  I was napping for most of the trip…no turbulence bothered my light sleepy head.  

The charming airport is made of boulder stones just like the local houses of Batanes and unlike other local airports you can see the staff genuinely smiling at the new arrivals.  You can feel that they’re really happy to see you! 

I headed out and my tour guide, Tita Remy, was beaming holding up a white board with my name on it!  Wow!  I have a welcoming party!  

I love tita Remy!!! She was my mommy for 6 six days!
Her contact numbers: 0927.412.1031 or 0928.239.7629
...but be ready to do a lot of trekking with her!
She was wondering why I was alone, so I explained to her that my sister booked the ticket for me as a surprise birthday gift!  I had no choice but to go alone because I loved my sister aaaand…she chose Batanes because she knew that it's my DREAM destination! 

If you plan to go on a solo trip, there are a lot of hometels, lodging houses, and hotels to choose from but I chose Troy Lodge.  Simply because I was on a budget and I knew I’d spend a lot on tours and food!  Yeeeep!  Bawal magutom!  The daily rate at Troy Lodge is only P300.00, so it’s perfect for backpackers and practical travelers like me!  To help you plan for your trip, please feel free to click on to Batanes Directory.

Here’s my day 1 itinerary (North Region) - October 4, 2013:
  • Welcome View Deck
  • Mt. Carmel Chapel
  • DOST Tower
  • Fundacion Pacita
  • Dipnaysupuan Japanese Tunnel
  • Valugan Boulder Beach
  • Vayang Rolling Hills
  • Basco Lighthouse
  • Pension Ivatan

Welcome View Deck
It was a sight! I thought it was breathtaking not knowing that Batanes had more to offer…kumbaga sa cake, icing pa lang ang nakikita ko!

There's a cave!

The Basco Lighthouse!

Mt. Carmel Chapel
Perfect for destination weddings!  I’d definitely go back here for any couple who’s fantastic enough to hold their wedding here!  (If you need a wedding organizer just let me know!  To view my portfolio please click on to this link: Zacate Events)

Mt. Carmel Chapel
Details of the door

Mt. Carmel Chapel

View from the Mt. Carmel Chapel

my ring for this adventure!

Staicase from the road going up to the chapel

Rocky facade and stained glass windows

DOST Tower

Mt. Carmel Chapel as seen from the DOST Office

Fundacion Pacita
There were no guests when we came here so we were allowed to go inside and take pictures!!!  It’s really nice and dainty with a great view of the mountains, sea and waves crashing on the hillsides.  It’s perfect for an intimate wedding reception! DREAM!  DREAM!  DREAM!

<3 blue chairs! <3

coffee + mornings + this view = lovely!

One of Pacita's artwork

mother and son
mirror selfie! 

Pacita's Parents

<3 blue bench! <3
The view from the main road

Dipnaysupuan Japanese Tunnel
Ivatans dug these tunnels during the Japanese occupation and it served as a shelter house for soldiers. It has 5 entryways and because of that the ventilation is good.  It’s windy and cool Ivatans! 

We just had to stop so I could take a shot of this pretty Valayvayan Tree!

They said "Hi!" so I said "SMILE!"

South Entrance

This leads to the main road

...and this one leads to the lookout spot.
It was slippery so thank heavens I didn't have to explore this part *whew!*

We're back on the main road...and look! It's a herd on a picnic! ^_^

Valugan Boulder Beach
I got tired of the trekking but it went away when I saw this beach!  The waves are so high and roaring so loudly when they crash on the shore.  The long stretch of boulders along the shore came from Mount Iraya in 400 AD.

She was walking on the road and gamely smiled for us!
Enjoying the view with Tita Remy (Tour Guide) and Kuya Jun (Tour Ride!)

Roaring waves behind me!

It looks peaceful but the waves are actually wild!

Vayang Rolling Hills
I’m pretty sure I’m not the first one to do this but with both hands in the air I sang ♪ ♫. “The hills are alive with the sound of musiiiic! Aaaaaaha” ♪ ♫.when I saw the hills! Hahaha! 

Rain catcher so the cows can have water to drink

The view at the edge of the cliff

Basco Lighthouse
Nakita ko si Puti!  For those born in the 80’s c’mon sing with me!  1, 2, 3… ♪ ♫.“Alagang alaga namin si Puti! Bakang mataba bakang maputi!  Hila hila hila” ♪ ♫.
"Alagang alaga namin si Putiiiii...."

Let's go over there Puti!

Puti: "valiw ka ba hija?!"

Aching for more about Batanes?
To view day 2 & 3...BATANES ADVENTURE! (South Region Tour)
To view day 4...BATANES ADVENTURE (Sabtang Island Tour)

Planning to book a trip to Batanes?
Here's a directory to help you get started BATANES DIRECTORY

Ivatan's use a lot of "V"s in their language: "Ang ganda ng vahay na vato may mga vayo pang vanga at vakul!"
  • Vahay - Bahay
  • Vanga - Banga
  • Vato - Bato
  • Vayo - Bago
  • Vuhan - Buwan (month)
  • Vuto - Boto (vote)
  • Vakul - head dress
  • Vutoj - Buto (seeds)

Contact Numbers:

  • Troy Lodge – Tita Erlinda 0920.447.0726/ 0923.630.8798 Argonza St., Brgy. Kayvaluganan
  • Tour Guide – Tita Remy 0927.412.1031 or 0928.239.7629/
  • Tour Ride – Kuya Jun…Tita Remy can contact him for you

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BATANES ADVENTURE! (South Region Tour)

I’m on my second day of bliss in Batanes!  I was up and about as early as 6:00AM to capture the South Region of Batan Island.  Here’s ...