Sunday, May 11, 2014

BATANES ADVENTURE (Sabtang Island Tour)

October 7, 2013 - Day 4 in my Batanes bliss!

Your Batanes trip wouldn't be complete if you don’t visit Sabtang Island, so even if they told me that the waves going there will make you seasick, I braved myself for the challenge!

I was already up by 4AM because the jeepney going to Radiwan Ivana Port passes by in front of Troy Lodge by 5AM.  I was about to take my first sip of coffee when the jeepney arrived.  A bit frustrated there but to my surprise Tita Erlinda (Troy Lodge owner) urged me to bring the coffee mug with me!  Hahah!  So I ended up finishing my coffee and pandesal inside the dark jeepney!

While waiting for the boat, mang Luciano and his stories entertained us.

The falowa boat has arrived!

Yep! The motorbikes had to go in first!

Group selfie with my new friends...Coach "Piolo" Pascual and Neo Pascual!
We had the same flight going to Batanes and was scheduled to leave on the same day!?!
Hmmm...and I thought I was the only tourist that week.

I stood up at the end of the boat to avoid sea sickness.  The current was crazy 4 feet high and it felt like I was surfing!  Don’t close your eyes though coz it’ll make you dizzy! (Sorry...couldn't take photos while I was on the boat.)

First stop is this office to register and settle a minimal tourist fee.

Beautiful just like a painting!

My heart was jumping for joy when I saw all the trees! ^_^

This view reminds me of the movie..."The Land Before Time!"

Looks like two giant turtles....right!?!

We walked downhill to see this view.

Closer view of the crystal waters. If I had more time...I would have stayed here for hours!

Friendly tip: It's best if you stay overnight at Sabtang Island so you can enjoy all the scenic views.
I was rushing from point to point because the boat going back to Basco was scheduled to leave by 1PM.

And the hardest part was going uphill to the main road...ugh!  Exercise!!!

The Sabtang Island Lighthouse

I wanted to capture the white horse on top of a hill...but my lens could only zoom up to this.


Crystal clear waters of the Sabtang Island Port!

7107 Islands. One Islander!

1. equestrian...sosyaaaaal!
2. actress in's so init out here!
3. happy mountaineer...i'm on the top of the world!
4. mandaragat in a hoodie...hello haring araw! sige lang bring it on!

I hope this blog makes your heart long for your own Batanes Adventure!  

To view day 1, please click on to BATANES ADVENTURE! (North Region Tour)
To view day 2 & 3, please click on to BATANES ADVENTURE! (South Region Tour)'s a directory to help you get started BATANES DIRECTORY

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